WooCommerce Inventory Purchase Order Module allows users to manage Purchase Order, generate Purchase Order, Email PO, Track PO, know Pending PO, etc.
PO Entry:
PO Generation / Mail:
Once PO entry is made option is available to send PO by email to Supplier and download as pdf also.
Purchase Invoice/Goods Receipt Entry:
Purchase Invoice entry/Good Receipt can be made against previously generated PO, this will increase respective Inventory/Stock for product. Now partial/full Goods receipts entry is also allowed.
Pending Purchase Order Report:
This report will give a list of pending PO’s having Supplier name, product name PO qty, received qty, balance qty, stock due date, and days columns. This will help you to know the received qty, PO qty, and Balance qty of the product.
Purchase List:
This report will give a list of purchase invoice entries along with Purchase Date, Purchase No., Vendor Name, Vendor Email, and Product Name, Quantity, Price, and Product Total.
Enhanced Stock Report:
The enhanced stock report helps in getting more better visualization of available stock with the help of showing present stock, committed stock (confirm sales, dispatch pending), Pending PO Qty (Po already raised and stock awaited), and Net stock position.
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