WooCommerce Advance Sales Report (Premium Gold)

WooCommerce Advance Sales Report plug-in Premium Gold Version 6.6  is Comprehensive and a Complete Sales reporting Plugin for WooCommerce based website. WooCommerce Sales Report Plugin shows all Key sales summary, performance indicator details on the Dashboard for quick glance, Plugin has almost 60+ Reports, Variation Reports, Tax Reports, Various Sales Summaries, Customer, Product analysis, Refund Analysis, 8 Crosstab Reports, Profit Report, Stock Analysis Report, Minimum level, Zero level Stock, Projected Vs Actual Sales, Daily Sales Summaries auto-email reports, and many more features.

Version Supported:

WordPress – 3.5 To 6.6.2
WooCommerce – 3.5 To 9.3.3
Stable Version –
PHP Version – 8.2.16
Language Supported (English)
Plugin can also support other languages, contact our Support Team
Plug-in does not support Multi Currency, HPOS format.
Last Updated Date – September 27, 2024


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Click here for our WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatible Report Plugin

Highly recommended for faster report processing speed, ability to handle large volume data.

Premium Gold Version 6.4 New features –

  • Refund Dashbaord

  • Refund Reason Analysis

  • Refund/Cancellation Reasons

  • Refund Orders

  • Refund Reports

      Post Code, City, State, Country wise Refunds

  • Refund Summaries

     Reason, Product, Customer wise Summaries

  • Refund Analysis

     Sales Vs Refunds, Refund/Month Crosstab Report

  • Product level Tax details

  • Time Based Segments

  • Customer-Based Segments

  • Customer Center

     Get comprehensive Customer Analysis on one single page

  • Product Center

     Get comprehensive Product Analysis on one single page

Premium Gold Version Features

  • Almost 60+ Reports

  • Enhanced Dashboard:

    • Comprehensive Summaries on Dashboard
    • Today’s Summary, Total Summary, Registered and Guest Customer Counts, full/Partial Refund, Graphical representation of Sales summary by month, days, week and top Products, Projected Vs Actual Sales Summary By – Map, Top n Products, Category, Billing Country, Billing State, Orders, Customer, Coupon, Payment Gateway, Order Statuses
    • Profit summary, Monthly Profit Center, Top n Profit Earning Products
      (Option for User to customize what summaries to be shown on Dashboard)
  • Cost of Goods/Profit Report/Analysis:

    • Total Cost of Goods – Total of Cost of Goods set for Product and purchased by Customers
    • Sales Details with COG – Total Sales Amount of products having Cost of Goods set
    • Total Profit/Margin Earned – This report is calculated by (sales price – cost of goods) of the products
    • Profit Percentage
    • Monthly Profit Center/Summary
    • Top n Profit Earning Products

    *In Order to see Profit related reports you need to have COG (Cost of Goods) plugin installed, Premium Gold Plugin already has inbuilt COG Plugin, you will be able to see the Profit related reports for those Orders after this plugin installations, this will not work with previous orders, if you are using any 3rd party COG plug-in then this will require additional customization efforts.

  • Stock Analysis Reports:

    Stock Summary with Valuation (Valuation at Cost, Valuation at Retail)

    • Minimum Level Product Stock Alert
    • Zero Level Product Stock Alert
    • Stock Planner, Stock Valid Days based on Average Sale for last n Days
      (This report gives idea for maintaining stock, which is sufficient for future sales.)
    • Stock Alerts by Email
  • Sales Analysis:

    • Customer in Price Point i.e. Search on min and max price range report
    • Customer Who has not Purchased within particular date range
    • New Customer/Repeat Customer Analysis
    • Tag Based Sales Summary
    • Top n Customer Report who Orders Frequently
    • Daily Sales Report, Product Not Purchased in n days Report
  • Projected Vs Actual Sales:

    Calculates difference between Projected Sales and Actual Sales, % of difference, Part/full refund amount, discount amount of years)

  • Variation Report:

    Products with their Attribute, Variation ID, Sales qty, Current Stock, Amount and 15+ filters

  • Tax Reports:

    (Tax by City, Tax by State, Tax by Country, Tax By Zip Code, Tax Name, Tax Summary, City Summary, State Summary, Country Summary)

  • Refunds:

    Refund Report showing details of Part Refund, Full Refund

  • Detail Report:

    Order Item Details, Ordered product wise details, there are 18 different filters which user can apply, showing almost 22 columns plus option to Export Billing, Shipping Details.

  • Various Summaries Reports:

    Product, Customer, Billing Country, Payment Gateway, Order Status, Recent Order, Refund Detail (Part/full), Coupon.

  • 8 Different Crosstab Reports:

    Product/Month, Variation/Month, Product/Country, Product/State, Country/Month, Payment G/Month, Order Status/Month, Summary/Month

  • Stock List

    Stock List of Simple and Variation products.

  • PDF Invoice:

    Sales Order Invoice PDF Generation
    (Company Name, Address, Company Logo, Signature, Footer)

  • Data Export:

    All Reports can be exported to Excel, CSV, PDF and Print.

  • All Other Reports also have comprehensive filter options.

  • Auto Email Reporting:

    Auto email getting sent having details of below sales summaries
    (Today, Yesterday, Current Week, Last Week, Current Month, Last Month, Current Year, Last Year, Till Today based on Email Schedule)

  • New Auto Monthly Sales Analysis Email, this email will be sent by end of each month showing sales comparision with ending month and previous month with details like –

    1. Last 12 Months Sales Summaries
    2. Top n Product sold this month and its previous month sales details
    3. New Product Sold during this month
    4. Product Not Sold during this month and were sold in previous month
    5. New n Customers in this month
    6. Customer who purchased last month but not in this month


Version Changelog
WooCommerce Report Plugins Licence Renewal
WooCommerce Inventory Management


We were thrilled when InfoSoft helped us take the robust Variation Reporting tool and enhance it to fit our unique needs for our Woocommerce store. That was beyond our expectations in terms of cost savings and the speed with which we accomplished our goal.

What we appreciated most about working with Deepak & his team was their lightning fast responses, consistent project updates & delivery of the expected results & then some. There isn’t another Woocommerce sales reporting tool on the market that could even compete.

Staci Crisci,
President, Rip Kings

The plugin works very well. The customer service was outstanding. They helped me customize it to my needs. I'll recommend this in the future!

Becky Cook,
Executive Vice President,
Client Solution Innovations

The WooCommerce Report Plugin was the exact solution that my client needed. We love the exporting features. When I inquired about customizations, Deepak ensured that they were integrated and available for me right away and provided excellent customer service. We would recommend this plugin to anyone who needs expanded and flexible functionality for their WooCommerce reporting.

Jennifer Hood,
Underscore Solutions

The reports software allows a thorough look into recent and long-term activity on overall sales. We love the layout of the dashboard.

Chad King

This sales plug-in is amazing. Great interface, really clear and concise and not to mention the amazing and rapid support from Deepak and his team. Would highly recommend.

Alex Cowan

The WooCommerce Reporting Plugin has proved invaluable for my client. We’ve run into a couple of configuration issues, but customer support has always been very quick and helpful, providing guidance and updates in a timely manner. Their conscientiousness is much appreciated.


We had very specific requirements from this plug in for our Wordpress ecommerce site, and Deepak and the Infosofttech team responded to all our requests with great courtesy, patience and efficiency to provide a perfect solution to our problem. I would have no hesitation in recommending their services to others, or using them again for future projects.

Susan Williamson

We can customize the plug-in to meet any of your specific requirements like -

Translatable Plug-in

We can customize WooCommerce Advance Sales Report Plug-in for supporting multiple languages i.e. all reporting will be shown in language set in WordPress settings called “Site Language”.

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Custom Field based Reporting

Generating reports on product custom fields in WooCommerce, for example if you have an online cloth store selling "T-Shirt" Product and need further classification of Product sales summary by Size, Color, "T-Shirt, 40" Size, Blue Color"

Automated Reports

Get daily, weekly, monthly sales details or any other reports in your email on daily basis automatically*

WooCommerce Cross-tab Reports

Generating cross tab reports, Product Monthly Cross tab summary with quantity, amount

Abandoned Cart Reporting

Generate abandoned cart report for store owner to recover sales that are lost to abandoned shopping carts by logged-in customers in WooCommerce.

Click Here and let us know more about your specific requirements

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