Cost of Goods, Profit Margin in WooCommerce

Cost and Profit Reporting is integrated in WooCommerce Advance Sales Report (Enterprise Edition).
This report showing Product Cost, Avg. COGs Profit, Avg. Sales Rate, Total Cost of Goods, Sales Amount, Margin/Profit, Profit % etc.

Plug-in quickly adds a Cost of Good to each product, including product variations, which are then used to calculate your total order costs so that you can always know what you really earned on every order and not just how much you sold.

Simple Product

Variable Product

Costs are automatically calculated on checkout so that you can see your profit in addition to simple sales information, and the in-depth reports provide exactly the details you need to improve your bottom line. This plug-in allows you to determine your top product by viewing which products are more profitable for your store, not just those products that generates the most revenue.

Detailed Reporting:

On Dashboard plug-in shows “Total Cost of Goods”, “Sales Amount”, “Total Profit/Margin” and “Profit Percentage”.
Total Cost of Goods: Total amount of Cost of Goods of products purchased.
Sales Amount: Total amount of Products Regular Price.
Total Profit/Margin: Total difference between Sales Amount and Total Cost of Goods.
Profit Percentage: Percentage of Total Profit/Margin and Total Cost of Goods.


Product Cost of Goods:
On All Details – Product Cost of Goods tab plug-in shows detailed sales figures having Product SKU, Product Name, Sales Qty., Avg. Prod. Rate, Avg. COGs, Avg. Sales Rate, Total Cost of Goods, Sales Amount, Margin/Profit, Profit % and Current Stock. You can export data to CSV and Excel. You can also generate online PDF.

You can filter this report by specific Date Range, Category, Product and Product Type (All, Simple Product, Variable Product and Variation Product). You can Order data by Sales Amount, Total Cost of Goods and Margin/Profit by Ascending and Descending. You can also only see data/items with Cost of Goods.

Plug-in gives you setting for enabling Cost of Goods and its reporting on Settings page.

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