WooCommerce Sales Report High Performance Order Storage [HPOS]

We have developed a new Plugin High-Performance Order Storage , with this plugin the Report processing time is improvised very significantly and very beneficial for stores having very large data/order volume, we are pleased to announce new upcoming features for this High Performance Order Storage plugin


Features – Most of the features of Premium Gold Version Plus below additonal features

Comprehensive Todays Dashboard

Get quick sales summaries, analysis for Todays Sales, Profit, and Todays Top Products, Top countries, Top customers etc

Today’s Top Selling Products Slider display

On Dashboard Users will get details of Today’s Top selling product in slider view quantity-wise. Users can change on the settings page for the number of products sold to be displayed in slider view. user will get also Todays Top countries, Top products, Top customers reports.

Cohort Analysis

Cohort analysis allows organizations to segment their customers based on shared characteristics or behaviours and track their behaviour over time. This data-driven approach helps businesses make informed decisions, improve customer retention, and optimize their marketing strategies.

Alert Notification

Followings Alert Notifications will be displayed as top Notifications:
• No. of products not sold since last 30 days.
• No. of coupons not used since the last n. of days.
• No. of coupons expiring in next 7 days.
• No. of Customers not purchased since last 30 days.

User-defined Auto Email Details Settings

We can display predefined data and reports in auto-email. Auto Email can be sent on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis based on predefined reports settings for Product, Customer, Stock-based reports/alerts, etc. Users can send multiple Auto Emails. Previews of the Email body can also be displayed while setting Auto Email.

Reports can be scheduled as:
• Daily (Today’s Report)
• Daily (Yesterday’s Report)
• Daily (Current Week Reports)
• Daily (Current Month Reports)
• Weekly (Last Week Report)
• Monthly (Last month Reports) etc.


Custom Field Integration

Users can display all Custom fields getting stored in POSTMETA Table and content getting stored in a non-array format. Users can display custom fields for details page columns with the option of enabling/disabling. A new column can also be added to the setting page.

Product/Item wise Tax details

In our Order Detail report, we can display the option to show the Tax amount at the Product/Item level as an additional column. It becomes easy for the user point of view to calculate tax at Product Level.

Calendar/Task Integrations

Users can add/edit Task/ event details regarding any order which displays on the calendar view on the dashboard. There is an option to add Task/ event details for todays, the previous period, and even the next period with date, time, order id, and custom colour also.


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