WooCommerce Increase Sales, Gain New Customers, Manage Product Efficiently

Every eCommerce company should keep an eye following in order to bring more sales, retain existing customers –

  • What are the products not getting sold or getting sold less or has reached Max stock limit and take actions like reducing prices for those products or offer a discount in order to help sell these products
  • Products got sold less compared to the previous month or not sold (we can compare with more no. of previous months also if required)
  • What is the combination of products getting sold most so you can offer some combo plan for those products
  • Identify which Products bring more new customers

With the below WooCommerce add-on modules you can easily manage all above


Unsold Products, during a specific period or since Last n Days

At times there are products not getting sold over a period of time or getting sold less resulting in overstock of those items, it would be a good idea to offer these products at a reduced price and offer same to the customer and able to highlight this on the home page with a separate section as “Special Offers”

Unsold Products, with this report you can easily find out which are the products not sold or sold less either in a specific period or by Last n days, for example, products not sold (or sold less) in last 30, 60 Days

You also have an option to include Max stock Items

All the Products are listed, you can quickly update Sales Rate in Bulk, highlight selected Products on the Home page section under “Special Offers” and save

We can also have this data auto emailed to admin on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly basis as required


Product Sales comparison between 2 months

This report shows the comparison of 2 months for all products, you can also filter data to show only those products which were sold in the previous month but not sold in the second month or sold less

For example, you can compare May and June Sales, Product got sold in May but not in June or got sold % less compared to the previous month

We can also have this data auto emailed on a monthly basis


Product Wise New Customer, Repeat Customer

This Report shows Product-wise customer count details for a given period, Total customer purchased this product, New Customer, Repeat customer

This will help you to know which product fetches more new products, which Products customers are buying repeatedly


Product Wise New, Repeat Customer month-wise crosstab summary

This Report shows Product-wise customer count details New Customer, Repeat customer by a month-wise summary in crosstab format


Combination Products:

This is a very useful Report, this will show you multiple combinations of products getting sold most

WooCommerce Report Plugins Licence Renewal
WooCommerce Inventory Management

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