WooCommerce Purchase Order

WooCommerce Purchase Order plugin helps you manage Purchase Order System within WooCommerce, Plugin has option to enter Purchase Order details, PO generation, Send PO to Vendor by Email/PDF, making Purchase entry, Report like Purchase Order List, Pending PO Report

Key Features:

  • Dashboard Summary
  • PO Generation(Email/PDF)
  • Purchase Invoice Entry
  • PO Reports, PO List, Pending Purchase Orders, Overdue Purchase Order
  • Stock List (Simple and Variable Products)
  • Purchase Report
  • Send PO to vendor by Email/PDF

Version Supported:

WordPress – 3.0 To 4.9.1
WooCommerce – 2.1.10 To 3.2.6

Dashboard summary:

Various summaries on dashboard like total products, Low Stock Products, Out of Stock Products, Zero Stock Product, Most Stock Product, Pending PO Orders, Total Item over Due, Purchase Invoice Count.

Purchase Order System:

Make PO entry of product which will be receive by vendor.

After adding PO entry user needs to click on “Received”.

Purchase Invoice Entry:

Next user will make Good Received Entry to receive actual stock.

Pending PO report:

Pending PO report will give you list of pending PO’s with PO Date, PO Number, Supplier Name/ Vendor Name, Product Name, PO Qty, Received Qty, Balance Qty respectively. Report can be export to CSV, Excel, PDF, and Print.

PO purchase order overdue report:

This report will give you list of PO overdue with Stock Due Date, Stock Due Days.it help user to know which PO has the overdue.

PO Invoice generation:
Respective PO invoice will send to selected vendor with order details.

Purchase Order Email

Purchase Order Invoice (In PDF format)

WooCommerce Report Plugins Licence Renewal
WooCommerce Inventory Management

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