WooCommerce Marketing Emails

In Ecommerce, it is very important to ensure customers are regularly buying products and for this, it’s very important to keep communicating with them regularly especially with those customers who have not made any purchases for quite some time and are at risk to lose those customers

Plus also offer some great offers to those customers who are giving you good business, orders, welcome new customers

With the Marketing add-on module, you can manage this very easily.


Sending emails to customers in Less than 2 Minutes –

  • Send mails to all Customers
  • Customers who have not purchased since last n Days
  • New Customers during Period
  • Customer whose Total Order Value is greater than n amount
  • Customer whose Total Order Value is less than n amount
    (more criteria as per your need can be added)


  • Select Customers from already listed customers
  • Draft Email
  • Send mails





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