WooCommerce POS Service System is a complete solutions for Service based industry needing Point of Sales (POS) System like Saloon, Spa, Massage, Tatoo Service provider
You can manage multiple outlets at differnt locations, admin can see consolidated reports for all outlets, details like daily collections, expenses, outlet wise expenses, Staff Performances, Customer ratings and many more.
Key Features:
WooCommerce POS is a simple interface which provides store owners different modules where they can easily manage their service stores, admin can assign a store agent to POS outlet who can easily manage the sales and customers at the particular store.
Define Services available at different services outlets, outlet wise provide service rates, online Appointment bookings, Customer feedback, outlet wise collection reports, outlet wise expense reports, New Customer/Repeat customer details, Staff Performance and many more
This module will help you keep track of your outlet expenses, admin can see consolidated expense report
Option for Customers to give service feedback, rate the services, this can done via Kiosk machine or by email, SMS, Admin can see Cusotmer rating reports in backend.
Admin can see list of customers who gave ratings on report page dashboard for all locations.
Admin Dashboard
Using this plug-in admin can see today’s summary for all locations. Summaries like Total Collection, Total Discounts, New Customers, Repeat Customers, Payment Type wise bifurcation, Total Expense and Total Revenue.
Location wise Dashboard
Plug-in will show you location wise reports like Total Collection, Total Discounts, New Customers, Total Expenses and Total Revenue.
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