WooCommerce Refund Summary Report

WooCommerce is providing the users a new functionality of Partial Refund. WooCommerce Advance Sales Report plug-in is providing Partly Refund as well as Full Refund summary in more customized format.

On Dashboard plugin provides you Total Refund Orders with the Refund Total Amount on the single dashboard where you can get details on how many orders got refunded and what is the total amount of refund.


In Today’s Summary on Dashboard plug-in provides users to view how many orders got refunded on that particular day through Today’s Total Refund where number of orders and amount will get added and in Today’s Total Sales it will show respective less amount.


In Monthly Summary on Dashboard you can see month wise refund through REFUND AMOUNT and PART REFUND AMOUNT ( E.g.:-In the month of April there is $1,910 of Part Refund and $627.29 of Total Refund) along with the Projected Sales, Actual Sales, Difference, Total % to sales, Total discount Amt, Tax Amt, Shipping Order Tax and Total shipping Tax.


Total Refund is also been shown on Sales Order Status where you will see all Order Status i.e. (Cancelled, On-Hold, Completed, Refunded, Failed, Processing, and Pending Payments) along with Order Count and Amount. Here only Refunded Amounts will be counted not partial refund orders.


This you can see in Pie Chart as well as in Bar Graph.


Plug-in displays Partly Refunded Amount in Recent n Orders.


There is Refund tab on All Details page where you can select Date Range and Refund Type (Part Refund, Full Refund). You can also Group By result by Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Refund ID and Order ID. You can also see Refund Note added by you.


Details shown are Order ID, Order Date, Order Status, Order Counts, and Refunded Amount along with Result and Order counts columns. This data can also be exported to CSV, Excel there is also option to generate PDF and Print option.


Part Refund Amount is been shown on detail page along with the Order Discount, Cart Discount, Total Discount, Shipping Amount, Shipping Tax, Order Tax. This data can also be exported to CSV, Excel there is also option to generate PDF and Print option.


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