WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plug-in that helps you sell anything beautifully. WooCommerce default report only provides statistics of sales, customers and coupons not detailed information. WooCommerce does not provide “Invoice” functionality.
The WooCommerce Sales Invoice Pro plug-in allows you to easily print, mail and download invoices for orders from plug-ins detail page. With this plug-in you can also customize the info that gets printed on invoice. You can set custom company details like Company Name, Logo, and Address which will be printed on Invoice. Admin will also be able to set Email Content, Signature image and its position from plug-ins Settings page. Admin can Create PDF, Delete PDF and Mail PDF in bulk data.
Features of Plug-in are as follows:
- Filter by From Date, To Date, Order ID, Customer, Category, Product, Status, Email, Invoice Mailed, Order By
- Customize column
Batch Process
- Create PDF
- Email PDF
- Delete PDF
- Delete PDF Invoice Count
- Recreate PDF Invoice File
- Recreate PDF Invoice File and Mail
- Per page display row options
- Company Logo option
- Email Subject and Heading option
- PDF Content, Company Name and Logo Option
- Upload Signature image option
- Header Note, Middle Note (in between PDF) and Footer Note (Terms & Conditions Note) option
Invoice will look like: